Thursday, October 7, 2010

Well, here we go, first blog entry and first day at the Art Instutes of Kansas City.
So my first class was fundamentals, which is a "lab" class. Meaning that it takes place in the kitchen. A full chef uniform is necessary. This includes black shoes, checked pants, white t-shirt, double breasted chef coat, white neckerchef, floppy chef hat and, heaven forbid, clean shaving! The last one is a new one for me, but hey, here we go right?

In this class we learn all the fundamental skills and practices necessary to all areas and aspects of the culinary world. As of night 1 we chopped 1 onion, 1 carrot and 2 stalks of celery. That may not sound like much for a 5 hour class, but the lecture leading up was pretty intense. What is really surprising to me is that amount of paperwork in this lab/kitchen course. I will have recipe card prep, journal work, and research papers. The journal work is what prompted this blog. I figure if I need to write a daily journal for school, I might as well add a few more personal thoughts and make it a blog.

I am wholeheartedly looking forward to all the learning coming up, I know there will be long nights and lots of work, but I think this will be a rewarding journey. All the questions, thoughts, excitement, prep and doubts are behind me now. It is now time for action. It is good to finally be here, in this place, after many, many months even years of thought and anticipation. Thanks to all the friends for encouragement and my family for going through all the necessary changes in order to make this day come.

So after 4 whole hours of sleep- here's my first entry. On to day two and bags and bags of potatoes for practicing my knife skills.


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